
Treat documentation as code. Use linters for syntax and semantic correctness (correct grammar, vocabulary, links) and test the documentation (do the examples actually work, do the code snippets have correct syntax) Documentation is as important as source code. Under 50 files (25), under 10k lines (1.5k). Similar lines of code and documentation. 1 gradle 1 workflow 1 gitIgnore

1 Terminal converter, 2 parser, 7 formatter, 7 generator, 7 validator, 7 grammar, 7 dependency injection modules, 7 ide modules

1 type inference 1 translator 1 factory 1 serializer

4 XToGame (Blocks, text, testua, unity) 4 GameToX

5 visual editor, 3 for online and standalone editors.

Don't assume experience. Avoid words like easy, trivial. Avoid acronyms or introduce them.

Test it. write-good for grammar. markdown-link-check for links. Format with cloc for not too long, vscode md lint for heading structure and whitespace. Lists and bulleted lists? Quotes checked manually.